Books (with Audio CDs, DVDs)
English for Child Care
English for Child Development
Basic Everyday Spelling
Kiss Your Accent Goodbye
Murder at Ocean View College
Phrase by Phrase Pronunciation
Practical Everyday Spelling
Software—Online Learning
Pronunciation Power
Card Games, Board Games
Homophone Cards
Look in the Lake Pronunciation Cards
Phonics Bingo Cards
Rhyming Words Cards
Teacher Training
Pronunciation DOs and DON'Ts
Using Your Hands to Teach Pronunciation
Marsha Chan's Presentations and free learning materials

Dos and Don'ts

In this workshop Marsha Chan presents teachers with effective concepts, tips and activities for English teachers to help students improve their pronunciation - the DOs. She also cautions against a few to avoid - the DON'Ts. You’ll learn Whats, Whys, and Wherefores that you can apply in class immediately! The DVD presentation enables you to select 26 topics, including the following:
- Expressive voice
- Clear models
- Appropriate language
- Perception
- Prosody
- Choral repetition
- Phonology
- Visuals
- Movement
- Melody
- Rhythm
- Media
- Mirrors
- Pair activities
- Application of skills
- Praise
- Correction
- Games
- Technology
- Alphabet
- Spelling
- Best practices
Excellent for teachers of pronunciation, accent modification
and teacher training. 98 minutes.
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