Basic Everyday Spelling Workbook

Basic Everyday Spelling Workbook is an excellent resource to learn English vocabulary and spelling patterns. Students will learn to pronounce printed words, spell common words, and make “educated guesses” in looking up the spellings of unfamiliar words. Lively visuals that appeal to secondary and adult students illustrate each page.

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by Elaine Kirn

Basic Everyday Spelling Workbook is an excellent resource to learn English vocabulary and spelling patterns. Students will learn to pronounce printed words, spell common words, and make “educated guesses” in looking up the spellings of unfamiliar words. Lively visuals that appeal to secondary and adult students illustrate each page. Here are some of the exercises that will help students acquire the phonics patterns (sound-symbol correspondence) of the American English spelling system:

  • Phonics-based vocabulary building activities
  • Listening dictations to write words, phrases, sentences, and stories
  • Error correction exercises
  • Word games and puzzles
  • Open-ended word play

Basic Everyday Spelling contains one-syllable words with predictable and very common alternate spellings. The workbook-audio program includes review lessons, progress tests, and hundreds of illustrations, making it useful as a picture dictionary. Activities appeal to both visual and auditory learners.

Paperback 8.5” x 11”
2 audio CDs
104 pages


Table of Contents

Introduction to the Student

Lesson 1 Sounds, Symbols, and Letters

Lesson 2 Short Vowels

Lesson 3 Long Vowels

Lesson 4 Long Vowels (with final -e)

Lesson 5 Review of Short and Long Vowels

Lesson 6 Consonants

Lesson 7 Other Vowel Sounds

Lesson 8 Review of Vowels and Consonants

Lesson 9 More Consonant Spellings

Lesson 10 Combinations of Consonants

Lesson 11 Summary of Consonants

Progress Tests

Final Test

(Download Sneak Peek Pages to view the complete Table of Contents and selected pages from the book.)



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