Pronunciation in English

Pronunciation in English helps learners use the important elements of stress, intonation, and rhythm. There are two levels in this series, and they are available in two modes: General and Medical.

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Pronunciation in English is a web-based online learning program for improving learners’ listening and speaking skills. It helps learners use the important elements of stress, intonation, and rhythm like a fluent speaker. Pronunciation in English is available in two levels: High Beginning+ and Intermediate+. Both levels of Pronunciation in English have been reviewed and approved by ETS®, maker of the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests.

  • Each level Includes pre- and post-assessments with instant scoring (rotating versions) and features over 300 interactive lessons.
  • Video presentations with text introduce the pronunciation concepts and provide a personalized guide.
  • Text translations in more than 10 languages facilitate learning and accommodate learners at multiple levels.
  • Audio lessons and interactive practices model the pronunciation, reinforce the concepts, and provide immediate feedback.
  • Record and playback buttons provide a feedback loop and encourage practice and self-correction.
  • Free Lesson plans are available for English language teachers.

Each volume may be purchased independently. All volumes are included in the full AmEnglish product bundle.



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For a limited time only, buy Pronunciation In English High Beginning+ and get Pronunciation In English Intermediate+ FREE!

Video Introductions

Additional Information

Pronunciation in English teaches several different skills to help you hear and then use correct rhythm, stress and intonation in your spoken English. Each skill is first explained and demonstrated. This will help you to hear the difference. Practice exercises follow the explanations so you can develop competence in the skill. This will help you to say it correctly with vocabulary from the course. Application activities are often included for further practice and to make sure you can use the skill correctly outside of the course. This will help you to apply your new skills. You will be asked to record yourself and then listen to your recording for self-evaluation after Practice and Application activities.

Pronunciation in English, High Beginning+


  • What are Syllables?
  • Counting syllables
  • Counting Syllables with Past tense "T" "D" endings
  • Syllables and "S" Endings
  • Chapter review

Stress in Words

  • What is stress?
  • Identifying the stressed syllable in a word Rules for stress in adjectives/nouns
  • Rules for stress in verbs
  • Rules for stress in words with suffixes Stress in compound nouns
  • Stress in two word verbs
  • Stress with acronyms
  • Correcting bad habits - (fossilized stress) Reduced syllables
  • Identifying the schwa
  • Chapter review

Individual sounds

  • The IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) The "X" sound (part 1)
  • The "X" sound (part 2)
  • The "L" sound
  • The "R" sound
  • The "TH" sound The “P” sound
  • The "F" sound
  • The "N" sound
  • Scored final review

Pronunciation in English Intermediate+

Stress in Sentences

  • Rules for sentence level stress
  • Identifying sentence level stress
  • Identifying the focus word in a sentence
  • Identifying multiple focus words in a sentence
  • Exceptions to rules for stress in sentences
  • Chapter review


  • What is intonation?
  • Intonation with numbers
  • Intonation in yes/no questions
  • Intonation in information questions
  • Intonation with choices
  • What the speaker expects
  • Intonation/Stress Shifts
  • Identifying new vs. old information with intonation
  • Chapter review


  • What is rhythm?
  • Linking with vowels
  • Linking the same consonants
  • Reducing "h"
  • Reducing "going to," "want to," "have to," "has to"
  • Reducing "did you," "would you," "could you"
  • Reducing connecting words
  • Reducing "of" before a consonant
  • Reducing "of" before a vowel
  • Chapter review

Pronunciation in English–Medical, High Beginning+

The pronunciation concepts are the same as Pronunciation in English–General, High Beginning+. However, the medical version embeds vocabulary and concepts from health occupations.

Pronunciation in English–Medical, Intermediate+

The pronunciation concepts are the same as Pronunciation in English–General, Intermediate+. However, the medical version embeds vocabulary and concepts from health occupations.



Teacher Resources

Both levels of Pronunciation in English have been reviewed & approved by ETS®, maker of the TOEFL® and TOEIC® tests.
Standards for listening, speaking, phonological awareness, reading

Teacher’s Guides




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