Read Aloud eBooks with Adaptive Assessment
Read Aloud eBooks engage students with beautiful photographs featuring animals from around the world. These award-winning eBooks help learners improve listening and reading comprehension. Adaptive assessment enables learners to advance at their own pace, from reading grade levels one through six.
Read Aloud eBooks with Adaptive Assessment improve listening and reading comprehension with
- Poems, written the same meter as the cat in the hat
- Rhymes reinforcing different vowel sounds in English
- Word highlighting in sync with audio tracks
Read Aloud eBooks measure learning with adaptive assessment for
- Reading comprehension
- Rhymes
- Syllables and stress in words vocabulary meaning
Read Aloud eBooks engage students with beautiful photographs
- Featuring animals from all over the world
- At reading grade levels ranging from one through six
Read Aloud eBooks provide support to teachers and parents
- The user management system allows the teacher to track all student activity.
- Teacher guides provide class expansion tips and ideas.
- Parent guides in both English and Spanish provide home support.
- The eBooks meet multiple common core standards.
- The programs can be used on desktop computers, tablets, and phones.
- Each eBook opens and runs instantly; no plugins are needed
Read Aloud eBooks with Adaptive Assessment are effective for learners of all ages: early readers and English Language Learners.
Titles and Reading Levels
Read Aloud eBooks with Adaptive Assessment cover reading grade levels from 1-6.
The Snowy Owl
Reading grade level 1.6
The Arctic Fox
Reading grade level 1.7
The Cheetah
Reading grade level 1.7
The Rockhopper Penguin
Reading grade level 1.7
The Zebra
Reading grade level 1.8
The Ostrich
Reading grade level 1.8
The Wildebeest
Reading grade level 2.0
The Osprey
Reading grade level 2.1
The Red Fox
Reading grade level 2.2
The Toucan
Reading grade level 2.3
The Green Sea Turtle – We offer this title free!
Reading grade level 2.4
The Polar Bear
Reading grade level 2.4
The Gazelle
Reading grade level 2.6
The Flamingo
Reading grade level 2.7
The Barn Owl
Reading grade level 2.7
The Bottlenose Dolphin
Reading grade level 3.7
The Red Tailed Hawk
Reading grade level 3.9
The King Penguin
Reading grade level 3.9
The Red Kangaroo
Reading grade level 4.3
The Brown Pepcan
Reading grade level 4.5
The Golden Eagle
Reading grade level 4.6
The Red-eyed Tree Frog
Reading grade level 4.7
The Albatross
Reading grade level 5.1
The Peregrine Falcon
Reading grade level 5.4
The Galápagos Tortoise
Reading grade level 5.8
The Rhinoceros
Reading grade level 6.5
The Blue-footed Booby
Reading grade level 6.7
Teacher Resources
GuÃa para Padres versión en español: The Green Sea Turtle: La Tortuga Marina Verde
Mapping for Common Core Standards Read Aloud eBooks with Adaptive Assessment
Florida K-12 Standards met by Read Aloud eBooks with adaptive assessment English Language Arts
Texas K-12 Standards met by Read Aloud eBooks with Adaptive Assessment English Language Arts

"I absolutely loved that the eBooks combined non-fiction and poetry - two genres that are typically harder to get children to read and become excited about. Using animals and real-life animal photography was a fantastic idea - and a great way to incite interest in the eBooks. The questions in the adaptive assessment were of high-quality - and as an educator, I appreciated that they stretched beyond "recall and repeat."
I personally love that most of the provided discussion questions are open-ended and require the child to activate prior knowledge, make an inference, or synthesize what they have just learned to formulate an idea! They are rich, varied, and valuable!" - Academic Choice Reviewer

“The text of the books helped develop fluency, cadence, rhyme, and word families - as well as provided rich information about animals. The assessment piece helped to develop reading comprehension, rhyme, knowledge of syllables, vocabulary, finding the main idea of a text, and making inferences." - Academic Choice Reviewer

"These are gorgeous, and I like the questions." - K-5 teacher

"I like the fact that this series is not condescending to adults at lower reading grade levels." - Community College Instructor
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