Idioms in English

Idioms in English presents idioms, expressions, and phrasal verbs that are used frequently in conversations, email, presentations, and media in English. Learners can improve listening comprehension, practice pronunciation, and learn the grammar of 100 idioms. See below for details about each volume.

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Idioms in English is available in seven level-independent volumes. The Workplace Volumes 1–3 present situations particularly useful for working adults. The Everyday Volumes 1–3 and Phrasal Verbs appeal to learners of general English, with content easily accessible by all ages. Each volume may be purchased independently. All volumes are included in the full AmEnglish product bundle.

In over 220 interactive lessons per volume, learners can improve listening comprehension, practice pronunciation, and learn the grammar of 100 idioms

Features of each Idioms in English program:

  • TOEFL® listening practices feature authentic language and check comprehension.
  • Stories and dialogues use idioms in context and link to individual idiom pages.
  • Idiom pages include definitions and examples and provide pronunciation notes for each idiom.
  • Audio recordings present four different native speaker models and feature interactive dictation exercises with immediate feedback.
  • Users learn from over 220 interactive lessons per volume.
  • A user-friendly interface shows roll-over menus for learners to access both a program level and a chapter level index.
  • Pre- and post-assessments with four different question types are scored for immediate feedback.
  • Free Lesson plans are available for English language teachers.

Each volume may be purchased independently. All volumes are included in the full AmEnglish product bundle.



Video Introductions

Workplace Idioms

Everyday Idioms

Additional Information

Idioms in English is designed for ESL/EFL students and professionals at the intermediate level and above. Each volume presents approximately 100 idioms for study and practice. This program guides you in answering three questions about each idiom:

  1. What does it mean?
  2. How do you say it?
  3. How do you use it in a sentence?

Workplace Idioms Volume 1


  1. Negotiations
  2. Meeting Work Deadlines
  3. Challenges/Difficulties
  4. Sales and Marketing
  5. Communication Problems
  6. The New Accountant
  7. The Start Up
  8. A Bad Decision
  9. The Speech

A sampling of the idioms in this volume

  • Think out of the box
  • Down to the wire
  • Make waves
  • Be plugged in
  • Out of the loop
  • Pull strings
  • Miss the boat
  • Pass the buck
  • Play it by ear

Workplace Idioms Volume 2


  1. Cooking Classes
  2. The Contract
  3. Remodeling
  4. Meeting for Coffee
  5. New Technology
  6. A Relaxing Weekend
  7. Volunteering
  8. The Upcoming Election
  9. Jazz Release

A sampling of the idioms in this volume

  • Out of this world
  • Knock off
  • Dig in one’s heels
  • Be a tough act to follow
  • Set the benchmark
  • Back off
  • A far cry
  • Be dead set against something
  • Cover a lot of ground

Workplace Idioms Volume 3


  1. Whitewater Rafting
  2. The Party
  3. Green Technology
  4. New Software Release
  5. Investing
  6. Job Hunting
  7. Saving Energy
  8. Weekend Plans
  9. Getting Back in Shape

A sampling of the idioms in this volume

  • From the ground up
  • Take a pass
  • Come into one’s own
  • Put something on the map
  • Bite the dust
  • Keep one’s eyes peeled
  • A ballpark figure
  • Stick around
  • Get lost in the shuffle

Phrasal Verbs


  1. The Olympic Games
  2. Brazil, Summer 2016
  3. Swimming
  4. South Korea, Winter 2018
  5. Speed Skating
  6. Japan, Summer 2020
  7. Gymnastics
  8. China, Winter 2020
  9. Cross Country Skiing

A sampling of the idioms in this volume

  • Hand down
  • Cheer on
  • Break through
  • Hem in something/someone
  • Band together
  • Carve out something
  • Shrug something off
  • Be left over
  • Narrow something down

Everyday Idioms Volume 1


  1. The Race
  2. The Game
  3. Hiking
  4. Vacation on a Budget
  5. Kayaking in Glacier Bay
  6. The Concert
  7. The New Restaurant
  8. Final Exams
  9. Yosemite in Winter

A sampling of the idioms in this volume

  • In the zone
  • Make a comeback
  • Pick up the pace
  • Tighten one’s belt
  • Get in over one’s head
  • Off the charts
  • Break new ground
  • Get all one’s ducks in a row
  • Knock oneself out

Everyday Idioms Volume 2


  1. Archery
  2. Machu Picchu
  3. Table Tennis
  4. The Golden Gate Bridge
  5. Kiteboarding
  6. Giverny
  7. Fencing
  8. Wolves in Yellowstone Park
  9. Volleyball

A sampling of the idioms in this volume

  • Get/Have a handle on something
  • Off the beaten track
  • Catch someone off guard
  • Make the most of something
  • Get the hang of something
  • Change one’s tune
  • Fair and square
  • Scratch the surface
  • Like gangbusters

Everyday Idioms Volume 3


  1. The Surprise Party
  2. Class President
  3. Shopping on a Budget
  4. Filming on Location
  5. Dance Lessons
  6. The Exchange Student
  7. Groundbreaking Concert Hall
  8. Learning a Language
  9. An Oasis in Paris

A sampling of the idioms in this volume

  • Branch out
  • Be in the spotlight
  • Be tight-fisted
  • Across the board
  • Have two left feet
  • Put someone at ease
  • Have the last word
  • A magic bullet
  • Fit the bill



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